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How to Get All Indexes in a MongoDB Database as a Script

When you have collections with large amount of data, it is very important to create proper indexes. MongoDB queries can be substantially faster with proper indexes created on collections to meet the application needs of data sorting and filtering. MongoDB automatically creates a uniq index on the _id field during the creation of the collection. […]

How to Create and Use Indexes in MongoDB Database

MongoDB supports creation of indexes to speed up queries for specific application needs. With suitable indexes, MongoDB doesn’t need to scan every document before returning results. This substantially speeds up queries especially for large collections where ordering and filtering is needed. MongoDB automatically creates a uniq index on the _id field during the creation of […]

How to Draw a Chessboard in HTML Canvas Using JavaScript

The canvas HTML element provides a bitmap area for graphics drawing. The canvas was standardized across various browsers in the HTML5 specification. Using JavaScript, we can draw 2D/3D images and animation on a canvas. Almost all modern browsers support canvas. With a hardware accelerated browser, Canvas can produce fast 2D graphics. The following tutorial is […]

How to Draw Rectangles and Squares Using Python Turtle

Python’s turtle package can be used to draw various shapes on a canvas. Turtle allows the programmer to move a pen in a specified direction by specifying its heading and distance. Turtle has no built-in primitive for drawing a rectangle or square. However it is easy to create a function to draw a rectangle(or square) […]

How to Draw Circles Using Python Turtle

Python contains an interesting drawing module called Turtle. This module is available as part of the standard python distribution. Turtle consists of a number of graphics operations modelled after pen drawing. In this article I will show you how we can use the turtle commands to draw circle based shapes. How to Draw a Simple […]