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Running Spring Boot Application on Jetty Server

Follow these instructions to create a simple spring boot application using Spring Tool Suite(STS). The steps are similar for eclipse IDE. Running Spring Boot App on Jetty Server The default embedded application server used by spring boot is tomcat. When a spring boot starter project is created using the spring-boot-starter-web dependency, it includes an embedded […]

Checking IMEI Number Using Java Programs

IMEI number (International Mobile Equipment Identity) is a unique number used to identify mobile phones. IMEI is used by mobile networks to uniquely identify a device and hence the IMEI number is used to block stolen devices. IMEI number is composed of 15 decimal digits including a check digit. The last digit in the IMEI […]

How to Calculate CRC32 Checksum in Java

Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) is an error detection technique commonly used to detect any changes to raw data. CRC checksum is a short fixed length data derived from a larger block of data. If there is a change in original raw data, the computed CRC checksum will differ from the CRC checksum received from the […]

How to Check Pronic Number in Java

A pronic number is a product of two consecutive integers. Pronic numbers can be expressed in the form n(n+1). For example, 6 is a pronic number since it is the product of two consecutive integers 2 and 3.  These numbers are also known as oblong numbers or heteromecic numbers. Following are the first 10 pronic […]

How to Write a MapReduce Program in Java

This tutorial provides a step by step tutorial on writing your first hadoop mapreduce program in java. This tutorial uses gradle build system for the mapreduce java project. This program requires a running hadoop installation. Quick Introduction to MapReduce MapReduce is a programming framework which enables processing of very large sets of data using a […]